quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2007
Time after time
terça-feira, 25 de setembro de 2007
Searching beyond my reach..
Some wishes were already granted..but i can only be gifted once more when i learn that to dream is to live..to realize that these wishes are part of our soul, of our ability to be more than simply and ordinary people walking by the sidewalks..we can change our lives.
We can be more that we want..
The doubts are part of our river, undeniable springs we ask our selfs everyday..they feed the fish that deep down don't know where to go, but something lead them there..that something is you..
It's hard to change? It's harder to live in the same old, ambiguous defeat, depressive dark corner..or isn't it? It's easy to throw away guilt and sorrow to others shoulder's and cry selfish tears for the errors we do or we did...
Our existence is not shallow..it is full..and maybe a hole life can't change the world today..but maybe a second can change it tomorrow..and that is the only thing i won't forget all my life..all my humanity...
To be part of this world is easy..to realize you deserve it..that is the ultimate question..
And..if you think twice..you have more than one second to do something about it, and to learn how to enlighten yourselves to be a little more..human.
sábado, 18 de agosto de 2007
Chapter 6 - The undeniable truth (1st part)
"No... thinking...no..just let it go..." - her mind was again away..
Minutes after she was hitting the streets..in her unique dark glow..
Maybe it was finally...today..a special day..?
"Ok shower...breakfast and clothes ok..10 minutes..priorities..ok..eat..of course..i am starving" - as he finished his monologue, he suddendly jumped to the kitchen and grabs some bread and bacon and shoved them into his mouth..
"hmm..good good..damn i am late.." - he noticed between all the mess in the floor...
"(i have to clean this..someday)" - he thought just before grabbing his bike and flew away...
In the way down..two strangers meet again..
"Sorry..sorry...watch the head..!! "- Jason shouted.
"Hi again..didn´t see it was you.." - he smiled...
"Sorry no time.." - he spoke to the girl next to him..
Melanie saw him leave the building without saying a word..only whispering..
"Good day to you too..bike boy..." - laughing to herself...

domingo, 12 de agosto de 2007
The pure heart in our souls..
Never understood why is that..why did i fear myself so many times...
Do i think someone can steal my heart, and turn me in another me...?
Don't know..i only know it's a happier me that lies in my heart today..because a part of it has been given away..maybe when i finnally shared a part of it, i will found at last the purest soul beneath this unholy world..
And i think i have found it..
I think i have..
But..(and there is always a "but") to think is just too complicated..i prefer to live life as it is..
Just once..try to give grace to the things i have now..and appreciate all the love, friendship and good things that surround me..
segunda-feira, 23 de julho de 2007
In the waiting line..
One day we see another person passing us by..breaking the line..and it's from that moment we realize we are not made to waiting in the line..but we were made to learn how to cross it over...
segunda-feira, 16 de julho de 2007
domingo, 8 de julho de 2007
If i just lay here...
Feeling your heat..your warm touch..
I will feel more complete..
The silky words you leave in the air..
Makes me dream..and look at the sky..
I want to cherish this moment forever..
It's not easy to live in peace once more..
But we can try..just this time..
Take my hand and i will show you how beauty is your soul..
How your eyes makes me feel an empty glass..
How your spirit is made by an angel's touch..
Fly with me and see there are no boundaries to our dream..
No illusions to our destiny...
No moments wasted..
No lifes lost..not this time...
If I lay here...
If I just lay here..
Would you lie with me..
And just forget the world...
Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars
terça-feira, 26 de junho de 2007
To see you again..
To understand you are not alone...
To become a part of mankind...
See the souls of those who lived...
See what other's can accomplish...
See the world as it can be...
See what hate can demolish.
You awake, it's all new...
You see closely, it's all clear...
You speak slowly, it has no meaning...
You just live..it's only fear.
Again, it all can be true...
Again, it's so easy to wander...
Again, it's not our job to destroy...
Again, the world is not ours to plunder

domingo, 24 de junho de 2007
To hesitate is not the answer..
The pressure to be the best...
The calling to the temptation..
The feeling to be like the rest.
To be better after each day...
To be running through the clouds...
To reach heaven or even hell...
To be hidden behind the crowds.
To hesitate in front of her
To release words i can't pronounce
To challenge the laws of phisics
To be an hero? i renounce...

(never hesitate 2 by `suzi9mm)
Desafio: resposta
O Quarteto Fantástico, assim se chamam um dos mais característicos grupo de super heróis, que não escondem a sua identidade, sendo mesmo tratados como celebridades, regressam numa segunda aventura.
Em “O Quarteto Fantástico e o Surfista Prateado” a família de super heróis, encontra um enigmático mensageiro intergalático, o Surfista Parateado, que chega à Terra para preparar o planeta para a destruição. Estranhos eventos começam a ocorrer e enquanto todos esperam o casamento de Reed Richards e Susan Storm, mais uma vez este é interrompido quando o Surfista Prateado percorre o planeta lançando o caos.
Reed, Sue, Johnny e Bem têm de descobrir o mistério do Surfista Prateado e confrontar o surpreendente regresso do seu inimigo mortal: Dr. Doom, antes de perder toda a esperança.
O elenco conta com algumas caras conhecidas do grande público:

![]() | Ioan Gruffudd | ... | Reed Richards |
![]() | Jessica Alba | ... | Sue Storm |
![]() | Chris Evans | ... | Johnny Storm |
![]() | Michael Chiklis | ... | Ben Grimm |
![]() | Julian McMahon | ... | Victor Von Doom |
![]() | Kerry Washington | ... | Alicia Masters |
![]() | Andre Braugher | ... | General Hager |
![]() | Laurence Fishburne | ... | The Silver Surfer (voice) |
Os restantes 4 filmes vistos no cinema foram, não necessariamente por esta ordem:

terça-feira, 19 de junho de 2007
Please..tell me where it hurts..
Tell me Where it Hurts
What is my day going to look like?
What will my tomorrow bring me?
If I had x-ray eyes, I could see inside
I wouldn’t have to predict the future
I wish that you would do with some talking
How else am I to know what you’re thinking?
If only people would say what it really was
What it really was
What it really was that they wanted
Tell me where it hurts
to hell with everybody else
All I care about is you and that's the truth
They don't love me; I can tell
But you do, so they can go to hell
Did they ever give you a reason
To believe in something different
If you’re looking for love, for what it's worth
I have plenty of it lying around here somewhere
If you are looking for disappointment
You can find it around any corner
In the middle of the night I hold on to you tight
So both of us can feel protected
Tell me where it hurts,
to hell with everybody else.
All I care about is you and that's the truth
they don't love me; yeah I can tell
but you do, so they can go to hell
I’ve been loved but I didn’t know how to feel it
And I’ve been adored but I don’t know if I ever believed it
I’ve been loved my whole life but I didn’t know how to take it
So tell me where it hurts
to hell with everybody else
All I care about is you and that's the truth
they don't love me, yeah I can tell
But you do, so they can go to hell
But you do, so they can go to hell
Tell me where it hurts
Tell me where it hurts
Tell me where it hurts now
Tell me where it hurts...
domingo, 10 de junho de 2007
Far away..
Some think..but the only thing they have forgotten is they have to face the consequences of their actions...and can't go back time...
The dark is a calling many prefer to answer everyday of their lifes..and the night is what give them strength..to face the evil inside themselves..
Today i will be an hero..i will shut down the doorways to the dark and bring the light to those who will be purified once more..
And my steel will curse the ones who serve at the feet of the unholy ones...
As a knight..and an elf..i will fight against the oblivion...once again...
sexta-feira, 1 de junho de 2007
I am weak..
The disease is trying to take my soul away..
But i am not hearing her words..
i am fighting against the dark feeling who pushes me down..
My eyes feel heavy as the rest of my body surrenders to the darkness inside me..
My mind still continues to fight in vain..
Tomorrow will be a new day..
My pure light will once again bright higher as the sun...
And the darkness inside me will be punished...
as the cruel evil she is..
My wings will gain power to fly and my words will spread across the world to silence the ones who survive in the darkness, and give them hope to reborn once more..
The strength is inside my soul and nobody can destroy it...

domingo, 27 de maio de 2007

I always fight against what i thought it was unfair, unworhty, undignifying.. like a hero facing evil..but without a cape..without any mask..and simply showing my true self..
Life is like a collection of neverending puzzles..and sometimes when we finnally think we found the last one, and are eager to see the landscape it hides..the final puzzle it's not what we expected..or the puzzle isn't finished at all or the last piece just doesn't seem to fit in..and the hard we try to push forward, the puzzle just gets all mixed up again..and all the work we have put in this beloved puzzle was worthless..
This is a way of thinking..but what can we do after all? If we had fight so much for a purpose we think is right, why should we can't get rewarded for what we have done? and why couldn't we finish the damn puzzle? didn't we put all our strengths to studying all the remaining pieces of this maze we got into...?

There are many "why's", many "who's", but we can always count on belief..hope..will..inner strength..and when that is lost..a cry for help is listened..by a friend..by someone..by love itself..or if the darkness hears it..only silence can help you..and believe me, that help don't lead to anywhere..because you can suffer eternally and hide beneath darkness..but that will only disguise the warm heart of light you have inside..and the inner beauty that lies beneath...

quarta-feira, 23 de maio de 2007
Star Wars..ou não...
quinta-feira, 17 de maio de 2007
I begin to w(o/a)nder...
Will the attraction of a lonely dark soul, begin to form in my head an appeal to the greatness of my being inside..?
Will the distance become just another obstacle, to surpass and destroy, like many others before..?
Does the calling i ignore is not the road i am destinated to cross..?
Does the heroes around me never realize the strength they have inside..?
Does the peaceful mornings we love to have, will be corrupted someday with agonizing thoughts we can't forget...? pieces of our precious past...?
Could i share my unpredictable thoughts, with ones who understand my speech..?
Could i be different from the croud, who drop tears of joy from victories of battles which will never end..?
Could i dream about the perfection of humanity, if the human nature itself can't be never satisfied..?
I begin to wander..how cold can be my words, to hurt a pure heart with a touch of silk..
I begin to wander..how long could this pain last in other's hearts, and when will i have the power to ease their pain..
I begin to wander..how lucky are the souls of those, that take a false step into oblivion just to see the other side of the world..
I begin to wonder...

quarta-feira, 16 de maio de 2007
terça-feira, 15 de maio de 2007
Heroes on BD
Um mundo de heróis...
Pessoas que protegem o que lhes é mais querido..
Protegem o mundo...
até de si próprios...
sábado, 12 de maio de 2007
Heaven..or Hell..
sábado, 5 de maio de 2007
Spiderman 3

A love story, a sweet poem, a fight till the end, the friend and the foe..all can fight for love, but if some will win the battle, the war will never end...
O que dizer..no seguimento dos outros dois, cumpre as expectativas..entre o embate entre o bem e o mal, os demónios interiores de Peter Parker a.k.a Homem Aranha (Tobey Maguire) e o seu lado negro, o triângulo amoroso entre Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst), Peter Parker e Harry Osborne James Franco), e o aparecimento de novos inimigos SandMan/Flint Marko (Thomas Haden Church) e Venom/Eddie Brock (Topher Grace), etc.
Quando tudo parece ir bem na vida de Peter Parker (Homem Aranha é um ícone e símbolo da cidade de Nova Iorque, Mary Jane finalmente está nos seus braços e reina a paz no mundo do pequeno tolo Peter), tudo se começa a desmoronar..o seu velho amigo, Harry continua a querer vingança da morte do seu pai..a carreira promissora de Mary Jane não corre como devia, Peter tem um novo rival no campo da fotografia, Eddie Brock...e descobre que afinal o assassino do seu tio pode não ser quem ele esperava..
O caos entra na sua vida..e o estranho poder que sente ao invergar o seu fato que estranhamente se cobriu de preto, apenas aumenta quer o seu poder e a sua fome de vingança.. e o que começa por ser uma nova arma contra o mal irá voltar-se contra ele...
Será que a paz voltará algum dia à vida de Peter Parker?
Se querem saber não percam esta terceira parte...
Yours trully
terça-feira, 1 de maio de 2007
A magia do ténis...

Pois é aproveitei o convite que me arranjaram para dar um salto ao Estoril Open e ver a fantasia do ténis ao alto nível..pena que a tarde tenha sido estragada pela chuva..
Agora Gasquet irá defrontar o português Frederico Gil (Nº142 do ranking ATP) que já surpreendeu na primeira ronda ao vencer o espanhol Hidalgo pelos parciais de 6-1, 4-6 e 6-3.
Veremos se as aspirações portuguesas continuam apesar de ser extremamente complicado a passagem do português aos quartos de final, seria sempre uma boa surpresa.
domingo, 29 de abril de 2007
Wanderings of questions
Is that a question we can put on the table..?
Can it make sense to realize that we are pawns, or it is stupid to behave like that? To be held by a destiny we think it can happen..anytime..anywhere..in a blink of an eye...?
We are all made of questions we can't answer..And in most cases to answer a question is to grow as a person...
Trying to understand the meaning of the question just makes the right answer seems an ironic one..why? because many say that pursuing the answer itself is the best thing to do, when they can't understand that the time passes and the answer seems meaningless..as the time goes by..
It doesn't matter if the answer is right or wrong...just answer the question in your own way..
sábado, 21 de abril de 2007
The man who can fly...
The artist that can paint the future...
The cop that can hear people's thoughts...
The son of the scientist that can discover the mistery...
The single mother that see another face in the mirror..besides hers..
The asian boy that can play with time and space..
They are here among us...ordinary people..finding something extraordinary in themselves...
The world needs them..And their time has come...
sábado, 14 de abril de 2007
The number 23 (O número 23)
Artworx - Inocence Lost
segunda-feira, 9 de abril de 2007
300 - The spartans will never surrender!!
Um filme a não perder..sacríficio, honra, e sobretudo a sobrevivência dos mais fortes fazem parte das máximas pelas quais os Espartanos vivem, crescem e morrem..Uma lenda que vive para além dos tempos e que é recordada com pompa e circunstância através da visão mitológica e "animada" de Frank Miller (autor da BD original)
Os traços e as influências de Sin City estão bem presentes..através dos filtros de cor predominantes, bem como da imensurável tela de efeitos especiais ao longo de todo o filme..A violência, malvadez e a constante guerra ganham requinte, de uma forma esplenderosa e muito bem conseguida..Uma história fantástica que vale sempre a pena recordar
A não perder...
Xerxes: As minhas flechas serão tantas que obscurecerão a luz do Sol"
Leónidas respondeu: "Tanto melhor, combateremos à sombra!"