I always fight against what i thought it was unfair, unworhty, undignifying.. like a hero facing evil..but without a cape..without any mask..and simply showing my true self..
I think its hard to find the right pieces in this world..
Life is like a collection of neverending puzzles..and sometimes when we finnally think we found the last one, and are eager to see the landscape it hides..the final puzzle it's not what we expected..or the puzzle isn't finished at all or the last piece just doesn't seem to fit in..and the hard we try to push forward, the puzzle just gets all mixed up again..and all the work we have put in this beloved puzzle was worthless..
This is a way of thinking..but what can we do after all? If we had fight so much for a purpose we think is right, why should we can't get rewarded for what we have done? and why couldn't we finish the damn puzzle? didn't we put all our strengths to studying all the remaining pieces of this maze we got into...?

There are many "why's", many "who's", but we can always count on belief..hope..will..inner strength..and when that is lost..a cry for help is listened..by a friend..by someone..by love itself..or if the darkness hears it..only silence can help you..and believe me, that help don't lead to anywhere..because you can suffer eternally and hide beneath darkness..but that will only disguise the warm heart of light you have inside..and the inner beauty that lies beneath...

Life is like a collection of neverending puzzles..and sometimes when we finnally think we found the last one, and are eager to see the landscape it hides..the final puzzle it's not what we expected..or the puzzle isn't finished at all or the last piece just doesn't seem to fit in..and the hard we try to push forward, the puzzle just gets all mixed up again..and all the work we have put in this beloved puzzle was worthless..
This is a way of thinking..but what can we do after all? If we had fight so much for a purpose we think is right, why should we can't get rewarded for what we have done? and why couldn't we finish the damn puzzle? didn't we put all our strengths to studying all the remaining pieces of this maze we got into...?

There are many "why's", many "who's", but we can always count on belief..hope..will..inner strength..and when that is lost..a cry for help is listened..by a friend..by someone..by love itself..or if the darkness hears it..only silence can help you..and believe me, that help don't lead to anywhere..because you can suffer eternally and hide beneath darkness..but that will only disguise the warm heart of light you have inside..and the inner beauty that lies beneath...

6 comentários:
Saudações sangrentas!!!
Belissimas palavras, my darling :p
Darkest kisses!!!
Primeira nota: muita coragem tens em escrever em Inglês, uma vez que em Portugal o nível de conhecimentos nessa língua não é dos melhores.
Mas acho que fazes bem, não só alargas o teu público, como vais evoluindo a tua «bilinguidade»... rsrsrsrs
Quanto ao poema itself, identifiquei-me muito com ele, às vezes pensamos «qual é a recompensa de praticar o bem?»
Mas depois alguém nos valoriza, ou a nossa consciência premeia-nos.
Resumindo e concluindo: eu vou pelo caminho da luz (light) 99% das vezes, e de vez em quando ponho um pézito nas trevas (dark).
Hm, acho que jé entendo o nome do teu blog!
Boa semana PG, beijos
Amei este teu novo espaço!
Adoro as cores e a arte inicial está fantástica. A música é divina.
Grande e doce beijo
When are you going to born to this world...my friend...we need your words to confort us, to give us light or dark...to give us the power and the strenght to carry on! Think about it.
Dark, claro... :)
Balance? Tell me! I've been trying to tanslate «An Irish Airman Foresees His Death» from Yeats! :)
I know that I shall meet my fate
Somewhere among the clouds above;
Those that I fight I do not hate,
Those that I guard I do not love;
My country is Kiltartan Cross,
My countrymen Kiltartan's poor,
No likely end could bring them loss
Or leave them happier than before.
Nor law, nor duty bade me fight,
Nor public men, nor cheering crowds,
A lonely impulse of delight
Drove to this tumult in the clouds;
I balanced all, brought all to mind,
The years to come seemed waste of breath,
A waste of breath the years behind
In balance with this life, this death.
Cheers, PG aka Scorpion!
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