sábado, 18 de agosto de 2007

Chapter 6 - The undeniable truth (1st part)

A new day it was...but the same sadness was inside her..little Melanie.. the only thing she was hoping all week is to meet again the same little girl, who wiped her tears some days ago..and made her smile reappear from her bitter darkness...once again.
She needed to fill that void..but her happiness comes and goes like a flash, while.. her darkness stays..and maybe the little girl could be a friend..a form of escape...
"No... thinking...no..just let it go..." - her mind was again away..
Minutes after she was hitting the streets..in her unique dark glow..
Maybe it was finally...today..a special day..?

The door slammed..Jason was in a rush..late to work again..
"Ok shower...breakfast and clothes ok..10 minutes..priorities..ok..eat..of course..i am starving" - as he finished his monologue, he suddendly jumped to the kitchen and grabs some bread and bacon and shoved them into his mouth..
"hmm..good good..damn i am late.." - he noticed between all the mess in the floor...
"(i have to clean this..someday)" - he thought just before grabbing his bike and flew away...

In the way down..two strangers meet again..
"Sorry..sorry...watch the head..!! "-
Jason shouted.
"Hi again..didn´t see it was you.." - he smiled...
"Sorry no time.." - he spoke to the girl next to him..
Melanie saw him leave the building without saying a word..only whispering..

"Good day to you too..bike boy..." - laughing to herself...

domingo, 12 de agosto de 2007

The pure heart in our souls..

My heart..A thing i never thought about..
I am lying to myself..i always lie to myself..i think of it many times...but to others i am pure...honest..trully to my values..
Never understood why is that..why did i fear myself so many times...
Do i think someone can steal my heart, and turn me in another me...?
Don't know..i only know it's a happier me that lies in my heart today..because a part of it has been given away..maybe when i finnally shared a part of it, i will found at last the purest soul beneath this unholy world..
And i think i have found it..
I think i have..
But..(and there is always a "but") to think is just too complicated..i prefer to live life as it is..
Just once..try to give grace to the things i have now..and appreciate all the love, friendship and good things that surround me..

"It's better to live love for one second..than to hate love forever"