The intuition is the key to be unique..our way to be is made from our steps in the step outside our shell and realize the world doesn't spin around us is the path to understand the true meaning..of our true destiny..
The need to breed affects our mind as the will to survive affect our basic be different, to live without chains make us unsafe, afraid... but at the same time is what makes more aware to the dreams and desires of others.. the strong souls can't live imprisoned in a world they can't control anymore..and to be strong is to be different..
To create a dream in our own reality is to preserve our own's easier to make our own mistakes based on pure instincts, than to realize our decisions aren't the ones who destroyed our merciful dreams be rational sometimes is to kill our dreams, and our heart can't support the responsability of making all the decisions of our own life.
To repent is to doubt ourselves, to question our heart, our thoughts, our ideals but most important to realize there is not a single solution to our identity..
In the end the most important is to live and learn, to be fulfilled...
and to peace with our own soul..

To repent is to doubt ourselves, to question our heart, our thoughts, our ideals but most important to realize there is not a single solution to our identity..
In the end the most important is to live and learn, to be fulfilled...
and to peace with our own soul..