sábado, 21 de abril de 2007


The girl who can beat the odds of death...
The man who can fly...
The artist that can paint the future...
The cop that can hear people's thoughts...
The son of the scientist that can discover the mistery...
The single mother that see another face in the mirror..besides hers..
The asian boy that can play with time and space..
They are here among us...ordinary people..finding something extraordinary in themselves...
The world needs them..And their time has come...


2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Olha a tal série... =)
Qualquer dia vejo ;)

Beijinho no teu outro lado do rosto =^.^=

Débora Azevedo disse...

Entao sr pedro , ja se ligav as amigas ... sobretudo ... qd nos para elas ate somos importante :P lol kiss pedrito